séries Sahara-Algérie 2 (1979)

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... the sahara has a very distinct faces which inspires one to go through a very personal experience and describe it.
The patterns on the sand,the heaps od stones,the sculptured rocks in their pale-yellow to burnt-sienna colors,led me into an unusual,untameable(free) rock-dune-landscape,often into a mood of never ending emptiness and calmness,at times the desert appeared to me a depopulated moment,yet the sign of life which suddenly appear such a traces of wind on the sand,strangely carved out emaciated colossal rocks that remind one of faces and petrified animals,trees,plants,that burst out the parched arid earth,caravans of camels,and tracks left by automobiles ... all these signs point to the existence of an oasis ......


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